Marta Sevilla is an Illustrator and Creative based in Madrid. Her professional activities focus on editorial illustration, Children's Picture books, Book covers, Posters and Surface Design.
Her illustrations are colorful and quirky, and tend to contain a humorous vision. She works from her Illustration Studio drawing for national and international clients.
Her client list includes El País, The New York Times,
The Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, Holiday House, SM,
The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, AARP, Princeton Alumni Weekly, Ebony magazine, Santillana, Edelvives, Principia Kids, El Diario.es, Archiletras, El Corte Inglés, NubeOcho, Mindful Magazine, John Hopkins Medicine, Combel, Courrier International and Plansponsor among others.
You can follow her work on Social Media